November 18, 1997
Re: SB 1195 Repeal
Dear Representative:
During the rush at the end of the 1997 legislative session, S.B. 1195, a bill providing
for the licensure of pastoral counselors, made its way to the Governors desk. This
bill received very little public exposure and, consequently, escaped the hearty debate
which had been given to similar but failed bills in past sessions. Most pastors, many of
whom will be greatly impacted by this legislation, had no idea that such a measure was in
the works.
Governor Batt, himself, was so unimpressed with this bill that he refused to give it his
signature and, though he did allow it to become law, expressed grave misgivings about its
ramifications: The governmental desire to regulate and license any and all
professions seems unlimited... It is certainly outside of the domain of common sense that
government would intrude upon the domain of divine instruction. (see enclosure)
I agree with my constituents and colleagues who believe that this legislation represents
the proverbial camels nose under the tent -- it is bad legislation which
establishes a frightful precedent with regard to issues of freedom and religious liberty.
Therefore, with the enclosed legislation, we will seek to repeal Section 54-3405A,
Idaho Code.
We respectfully request your careful review of the enclosed materials in the hopes that
you will support our repeal efforts. I would invite any further questions which you may
Ruby Stone
Idaho State Representative